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Timbers/Railroad Ties

long wood fences and small trees inside

Wood has long been a key construction material in homes and landscapes. All of us know just how premium it can look and the range of great stylistic options that are available to us. And, you may well have been thinking about how one of them could make the perfect addition to your property, when used for your retaining walls. You could expect the same luxe appearance and timeless effect, especially when yours are provided by retaining wall specialists, like ourselves. So, make sure you are trusting in us, at Alpharetta Retaining Wall Pros, when you are considering the installation of brand-new wooden or railroad tie retaining walls.

Timber Walls
Perhaps the most common way to make use of wood in a landscape is by applying timber installations to the space. There are many kinds of wood that are cut into timber, each with their own, unique best features. From maple to teak, cedar to oak, there are many great options, which might make the ideal addition to your backyard. All it takes is some professional craftsmanship and designing and you could find that your timber retaining walls are doing more than you ever thought they could.

Log Walls
On the other hand, you may prefer the rougher, rustic look that can be achieved through using logs for your retaining walls. Logs offer a kind of aesthetic that you simply cannot replicate with any other kind of material and the sense of outdoors that you get from applying them is incomparable. But it takes a talented team to be able to use them effectively and so, if you plan to build your retaining walls from logs, you are going to want to trust us every time. We’ll create a strong and stable sequence of logs, capable of maintaining your particular piece of earth, while ensuring that a clean, natural aesthetic is completed.

Railroad Ties
Today, many of us are concerned with our environmental footprint and we want to achieve premium home improvements, in the most ecologically sound manner. So, instead of opting for store-bought wood, many of our clients have chosen to go for our eco-friendliest option in our railroad tie retaining walls. A great way to make use of an old product through upcycling, while creating a unique, stylish, and rustic aesthetic at the same time. And, you already know that our team can help you make use of them most effectively, through our premier wall design.

Timber Staining
When you decide to install any of our timber retaining walls, you may be looking for ways to improve and strengthen the material. And, without a doubt, the best way to do that is to have the surface stained. You could add a richer and healthier tone to the material, while sealing it off better from the effects of the elements. This will leave you with a much more durable and long-lasting retaining wall installation, which will take much longer to show the scars of aging and wear.

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